A lot of people think we have only 3 emotions (happy, sad, and anger), but there are literally HUNDREDS of emotions that we feel throughout our lifetime and when we are setting our goals we have to be certain about what feeling we are actually trying to accomplish.
For example, why did I choose to follow this line of work? Why do I create courses, and write articles, and give podcasts, and free resources? What it my motivator? Hope. I want to give people hope, and in turn it gives me hope that we as a collective whole can make a difference in the world. Adrenaline junkies — why do they do the crazy things they do? Because of the rush! There’s an underlying emotion you’re actually trying to feel, not just a physical goal you’re trying to attain.
In this guide I give you a list of over 400 emotions that will help you really pinpoint what you’re trying to feel when you’re setting your goals. Making this one tweak to your goal-setting strategy will bring you that much closer to it becoming a reality. Find out why in the guide!
(Special thanks Kath Kyle for doing the beginning footwork to generate this list.)
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